Tucson women's photographer

The Art of


The Art

of [Her]

The Fire, The Strength & The Art of Women Rising.

Too many stories go untold.

Too many women go unvalidated.

Too many go uncelebrated.

Too many do not see their own beauty & power.

& too many women go their whole lives without being truly witnessed and seen.

I want to change that.

Hear the amazing stories about how this project affected so many amazing women.

I hope you will join us.

It's time to

Celebrate You & tell your story.

Join me to create yet another Artist's Visual Representation of your strength, your beauty and your story.

I'm doing a second (and last) round of photographing and telling the stories of 25 more Women and I would love for you to be one of them.

Tucson women's photographer

It's time to Celebrate You & Tell your story.

Join me to create yet another Artist's Visual Representation of

your strength, your beauty and your story.

I'm doing a second round of photographing

and telling the stories of 25 more Women

and I would love for you to be one of them.

Alyssa M,

Tucson women's photographer

I didn't reach out to a photographer expecting such an awakening.

Jessica is a fantastic photographer and a wonderful human... Thank you for giving me the space and this venue for taking this step in my healing.

I didn't reach out to a photographer expecting such an awakening.

You're doing such an amazing thing.

Alyssa M

I didn't reach out to a photographer expecting such an awakening.

Jessica is a fantastic photographer and a wonderful human... Thank you for giving me the space and this venue for taking this step in my healing.

I didn't reach out to a photographer expecting such an awakening.

You're doing such an amazing thing.

Because for all the things built to keep us small, we rise.

It's no secret that growing up female in our society comes with some great struggles. Most of which are learned or encountered at a young age.

From sexism, to high societal expectations, to perfectionism, to being shamed, to unrealistic body standards, to unrealistic motherhood standards, to the early adoption idea that girls have a certain "girl" behavior that is expected of them, even to it being her fault when a boy has no control over himself. There are many things out there that we face daily from such a young age.

And yet, for all the things built to keep us small, we rise.

We rise through adversity.

We rise through trauma.

We rise through abuse.

We rise to become mothers.

and business owners, despite the "stats".

and mothers while also being business owners... again, despite the stats.

and even empty nesters, creating a new business, all despite the stats.

We rise through all the self questioning, the imposter syndrome, the second guessing, the third guessing, and the opinions of those who will never understand,

and once again, for all the things built in this world to keep us small. We rise.

... and oh, when we do, it is truely a thing of beauty and art.

Even when we feel like it's a mess, it's beautiful, and elegant and powerful.

It's Art.

It's the Art of the woman.

It's the Art of becoming a woman.

It's the Art of Her.

Tucson women's photographer
Tucson women's photographer

Read some of our powerful Art of Her Stories:

Tucson arizona personal trainer

Five Ways to Lose Weight Before a Photo Session

July 15, 20234 min read

“You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody.” - Maya Angelou

Our Top 5 ways to Lose Weight Before You Photo Session:

One of the biggest concerns I hear women tell me when inquiring into a photo session is that they want to "lose another 10, 15 or 20 lbs" first. The first thing I let them know is that we are good for about 20 lbs in posing alone (which relates to the first biggest concern we get-- women believing they are not photogenic-- but I need you to know that it's not your job to be, its your photographer's job to understand how to pose you and guide you.) The second thing I tell them is that they are worthy now. All of them is worthy of photographing and all of them is worthy of loving... even if we don't always like all of us... which is also ok.

Our society sure has done a number on how we as women believe we should show up in this world. What we should look like, what we should love or hate about ourselves. What do you love about yourself? What is something you dislike? If you are like most women I ask this to, the answer to the first one is most commonly personality related, occasionally its hair or eyes, and even less often but still heard is boobs; and the answer to the second question is most commonly something physical. Was this true for you?

One last thing I need you to know before we dive in. A photograph doesn't come with a weight or size requirement. Do you even consider it when looking at photos of loved ones? There also isn't one to decide you are allowed to see yourself as powerful, incredible, beautiful, sexy or even just finally love yourself in photos. Because I promise, you are worthy to be photographed and seen and loved, exactly as you are.

With all of this said, if you still want our biggest tips on losing some important weight before your shoot, take a look below. I recommend beginning these at least a few weeks ahead.

healthy choices for weight loss

Here are 5 ways to lose weight before your photo session! 👊

1. Drop 120+ quick!

Drop that person in your life that makes you feel "less than". You know the one, usually a family member, long time friend or even a partner that has you feeling that you are less desirable, or worthy -- even especially due to your weight-- that you feel like you just have to deal with. If a person in your life leaves you feeling like your confidence takes a hit, they don't deserve to be a part of your world or in your incredible space. Time to kick em to the curb.

red shoes

2. Cut Down on:

Cut down the number of accounts you follow on social media so that you only including accounts that show diverse bodies vs one specific body standard. As I mentioned above, all bodies are worthy of being photographed. We believe what we see, so make sure what you are seeing is healthy for your mind.

Diverse bodies in bras

3. Remove:

Remove completely: The weight of other people's opinions on how you should or should not look. Especially your own. This is among the heaviest weight we carry and will stop you from all sorts of amazing things in life. Your relationship to your body is heavier than your relationship to gravity.

Remove entirely: Speaking of Mindset, remove entirely the idea that you have to be a certain weight to have beautiful photos of yourself. As someone who has photographed countless women in all shapes and sizes, I can assure you that this is untrue and you deserve to have photos you love yourself in, right now.

red dress and kettle ball tucson arizona

4. Build up

Now that you have cut some things we have room to build some things up. Lets add in gratitude and positive self talk. Your body has and currently does some amazing things. Redefine and Refashion what beauty is to you, and start telling yourself that you are beautiful. Consider putting up post it notes that share the gratitude you have for what your body is capable of, and why its beautiful. It's time to start being kind to yourself too.

women in jean jackets

5. Hire a professional to celebrate and support you through your weight loss journey:

Hire a professional photographer. yep. But not just any professional, hire one that is a professional and personal photographer who understands the intricate connection between body image, self love and photography, so that you can feel confident that they will treat you, your body, your story and your expression with respect while helping you see your best self in photos, and finally have photos you love yourself in.

And there you have it. Our top 5 tips to drop that weight before your session. Because-- as it turns out, you don't actually need to lose pounds off your body. You are worthy, and magic, exactly as you are.

Tucson Boudoir

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Jessica@jessicakorff.com | Tucson, Arizona Photographer

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