
Interview with Tylene Nichols

Tylene Nichols | Success REfashiond Rising Star 

November 18, 20236 min read

Success REfashiond Rising Star | Tylene Nichols

I am so excited to share with you this edition's Rising Star! Tylene Nicols, in 2021, became the CEO and Director at Centre Stage Dance Studio. She has been in the world of dance since she was 12, and after moving to Tucson in 2019, Tylene became involved with Centre Stage Dance Studio and quickly fell in love with the program and the dancers. Since becoming the owner, her mission has been to create a space that cultivates confidence, safety, and creativity for children of all ages. We are so excited to see her as part of our women in business community! Please learn more and go check her out!

Tyler Nichols

Interview with Tylene Nichols

Jessica: What does RED symbolize for you?

Tylene: Honestly, when I think of RED I think of power and confidence. Sometimes that intimidates me a little. When shopping for clothes, I tend to drift away from red, When I actually think about this though, it's silly. There is no reason to shy away from something that I view as powerful and confident. It definitely says more about me than it does the color red!

Jessica: What does Success REfashiond Mean to you?

Tylene: My personal views of success have changed over the years. I think Success REfashiond means adapting to changes and always being willing and exciting to learn. All the success I have in my life came from venturing out into the unknown and developing new skills and abilities. There is not a single direct path to success, you have to create that success along your own journey.

Jessica: Tells us about you.

Tylene: I am a wife and a mother of two kids. I have had Type 1 Diabetes for the last 21 years. I love traveling and going on any kind of adventure! I am a huge Harry Potter nerd, and I have a dog named Padfoot. I am a self proclaimed beverage goblin and love having teas and lemonades and all kinds of yummy things to sip on throughout my day. My husband makes fun of the amount of tumbers and water bottles I have!

Jessica: Tells us about what you do.

Tylene: I am the CEO and Director of Centre Stage Dance Studio. With this job, I am a large piece in the development of hundreds of children every year, and I do not take that role lightly. My mission is to create a space that cultivates confidence, safety, and creativity for children of all ages. Especially in the world we live in today, our kids need to know that they can achieve hard things. They need to know the incredible things they are capable of and be confident in their unique skills and abilities. Every single child deserves that.

Jessica: Where do you hope to see yourself in 3-5 years?

Tylene: I see myself still growing my dance studio. I am looking to expand to more locations in Tucson and continue supporting the children of our community. I also ideally would love to be in Italy at some point in the next 3-5 years. You know, just for fun!

Jessica: What advice would you give to someone wanting to enter your industry?

Tylene: Be very clear about your mission. There are thousands of dance studios across the world, each catering to specific needs and desires. You need to know EXACTLY the kind of environment you want to promote, and that will draw in the exact people you are looking for. There is no way to cater to everyone's needs, and your business will not be for everyone. So make it exceptional for the people it is intended for!

Tyler Nichols

Jessica: Do you think being a woman impacts any part of what you do differently than it might otherwise? If so, how?

Tylene: I absolutely believe that being a woman impacts what I do. The nurturing piece of me becomes so invested in the development of the children I see every day in my studio. I am very emotionally and personally connected to the work that I do. It is so much more than just a job, it is the small piece of the world that I can change for the better.

Jessica: What was a moment where you felt like you had to be brave? Something that was scary for you, but you got through it anyway? 

Tylene: 3 years ago, I was halfway through my masters degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. It was at that time that I had the opportunity to become the CEO of Centre Stage Dance Studio. I had invested so much time into my education to become a therapist, and I knew nothing about business ownership. This potential transition was terrifying because it was so unknown. Strangely enough, it was the terrifying feeling that made me decide to become a business owner instead of a therapist. I kept telling myself that 'growth lies outside of your comfort zone'. I was DEFINITELY out of my comfort zone! But now, more than ever, I know this is exactly where I am mean to be.

Jessica: What is your biggest accomplishment so far?

Tylene: I don't know if I can think of one single accomplishment that I would define as my 'biggest' because I feel like it is the culmination of all the smaller accomplishments that add up to create something truly great. I guess I would honestly say that still being alive at this point is a big accomplishment! With Type 1 Diabetes, there is so much unknown and scary times. When I was younger I was prepared to never be able to have kids, travel, or really do much of anything. But here I am over 2 decades later with two healthy and happy kids, a thriving business, and I am still kicking!

Jessica: Do you have a favorite local restaurant? What's your favorite dish? Tell us about it!

Tylene: My favorite is probably Seis Kitchen. Those crispy fish tacos? That seis sauce? Coffee horchata? AMAZING!

Jessica: If your best friend was visiting Tucson for the first time, what other favorite local places or hidden gems would you take them to?

Tylene: I would probably go to Twisted Indian. That food is incredible! Also, I love going up to Windi Point on Mount Lemmon. It's so pretty!

Jessica: Where would you like people to go to find you or find out more about what you do?

Tylene: Website:



Creative Credits:

REfashiond Rising Star: Tylene Nichols

Photography by Jessica Korff Studios

Makeup by: Renee Lanz | Radiate with ReneeJ

Dress Draping: Red dress draped and created by: Jessica Korff

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